February 2009

Post 1 to 4 of 4



Calico, as usual, says things that not only turn me on immensely but also speak to me and inspire me to say more... this time, it was her post on deepthroating: "I love challenging sex, like deepthroating and… View More


getting back into the game

Hello, I'm Kitty. It's been 3 weeks since my last session. But I finally had one, last Friday. I had been unsure, going into it- even driving in the car, I kept feeling like maybe I should turn back, maybe I wasn't ready. I've spent the last few weeks here celibate, and not doing much more than snuggle or kiss- even my dates have been cautiously planned to be public affairs that will prevent too much physical intimacy, in case I… View More


beauty in the breakdown

It's been a while since I've blogged consistently here. It's been a period of change, hardcore- personal development on speed, mostly, relationship processing and reprocessing, acclimating to the Bay Area and the ridiculousness to be… View More


serotoned in California

I don't know if I wrote about this, but I got a tattoo before I left London. Nepetalactone, the active ingredient in catnip. Well, tomorrow I get serotonin and ether on myself. The main one, for me, is serotonin, a chemical I have struggled… View More