Bring on 2012

Today has been a day of relaxing, spending time with my girlfriend and her kids, reading a story to my boyfriend and having dinner/editing time with my ex. It's the perfect beginning to a year that ended kind of in stress and chaos- feeling loved and relatively serene with people I care about.

So I've thought a bit about my goals for next year, and here they are:

-Try to quit smoking and move fully to electronic cigarettes
-Get my divorce finalized
-Create a new website and have a banner created
-Learn to balance personal self-care with political activism
-Learn to love without fear
-Launch Andro Aperture and start soliciting guest posts
-Present Safe/Ward in 3 new cities
-Start moving my stuff from the UK to  the US

It's not wild or crazy, and it's a lot of practical sounding stuff. But there's a lot of baggage with each of these things, a lot of learning to let go and trust that I can make it through the shit into flowering. I've been working really hard, and I've noticed how much I've accomplished in the last 4 months. At the same time, I need to make sure I'm giving myself the care I need to not burn out.

2012, I'm ready for you. I'm ready to embrace te chaos and trust in my totem, the Fool. It's been a windy and maddening road, but I am just getting started.

Categories: holidays, personal, resolutions

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