In Flames

So, I went to Burning Man. Learned some things about myself.

-I don't actually need to see the Man burn. More important to come early to help out, and then leave without a massive line. Also, I really like having a stop to rest rather than driving straight home.

-I'm a lot more fit than I expect. Biking did not provide any issues for me except for that the seat hurt my tailbone.

-I am not in fact frigid, like I sometimes fear I am. I am in love with my partner. I'm not really interested that often in casually fucking people who are not him, and that's ok.

-I can sober up from pretty much anything in 30 seconds when required- like when the cops show up and arrest my best friend accusing her of a drug-related felony.

-Burning Man is political for me. Every single moment. Burn Wall Street was absolutely my temple.

-I don't think I'd care to go to the Burn without a partner again. It can be incredibly lonely, especially if you can't trust people because they might be undercover cops or rapey douches.

-I prefer to be actively invested in doing things that are practical on the playa, like giving relationship advice and running workshops.

-I fucking love having cute, comfy, cotton clothes I can layer. OMG. I reached for those way more often than costumes.

-The unexamined privilege at Burning Man generally drives me fucking crazy.

I still have a soft spot for Burning Man, but my experiences this year will certainly inform how I do it again. And god, did it make me miss The Boy.

Categories: parties, personal, reflection

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