a bit of an update

Andro-Aperture has taken over my life, mostly in comment moderation. Which is exciting, because that suggests to me that it's an important project that people give a shit about! Awesome :D I'm still figuring out a lot of stuff on Wordpress but it seems pretty positive that it's gotten so much attention and discussion going.

I also started interning at Cleis Press last week, which is really my dream job in many ways. I'm around books all day, books I've loved for years. I get to write event proposals and organize stuff. I get to be myself. And a friend of mine lives down the street, which means I can pop by after work or make my lunch at her place. That's been really cool.

I moved to Oakland and now live with Maggie and Ned Mayhem (along with their dog and two cats) which has been the best fucking thing ever for me! I love being in a space where we talk politics and sex and gender a lot. We have a lot of the same books. And they're nerdy and hot and lovely people, which is great. I feel settled right in. It's a hell of a lot better than living in the hills, that's for damn sure.

Then there was shooting for a Spanx photo project which I'll hopefully get to show you guys some shots from soon! It was with another friend of mine- I dressed as Creampie, and zie was a little girl blowing bubbles and being cute, all while recontexualizing Spanx. Sexy academic time!

And then Pride, which was giant and mental (yay for New York, eh?). We ended up hanging out at the Faery Freedom Village, which was a nice little piece of sanity in super-corporate Prideland. Then I went to Queerly Beloved, met Mendhi Henna (who I'm shooting with for CrashPad on the 9th), got hugs and chatted with Jiz Lee, ogled Maxine and drank PBR like the hipster douche I wish I was sometimes. Hah! Had a great time though, and a lot of fun.

And this Friday I leave for the Playa! Whee!

It's meant that there hasn't been as much free time to blog, though, but if you want to see what I've been working on check out the Andro-Aperture Project!

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