what's in a name? someone's cock, apparently

So there's that new facebook meme going around, you know the one: 

"Go to urbandictionary.com, type in your first name, copy and paste this as your status, and put the first entry for your name under comments."

It was amusing at first to see what was said- it was mostly complimentary (though interestingly my name, Kitty, is used by UD to define cockteases, hairy girls, and a "a softer term preferred by adult ladies in an erotic context, which has a totally opposite connotation to the much less socially acceptable term cunt (which is rarely used by proper women and considered offensive)."

Ah, yes, the usual stuff "proper" women do. I wouldn't know, I don't really talk to any. 

Anyway, I hadn't thought much about it until someone commented on an update thusly- "Sigh... I guess only girls can participate, as the male population is only interested in telling the world about how they have constant raging boners the size of Texas. I weep for the future of maledom."

What fascinated me about this is that girls names are being defined on UD (which is ridiculous anyway- where's the editing? What is this, Wikipedia? I have never called someone "a Lisa" or "a Howard" or whatever) by their sexual/seductive characteristics. Mens names often either slag the guy off or say how "cool" he is. Or, of course, it's defined as a slang term for cock. And, more to the point, we're all playing along in our Facebooks, giggling at the compliments like a bunch of silly schoolchildren.

Do I think of this as a Wrong to be Righted? No, not really, I just see it as a reflection of society's expectations as a whole- women/the feminine defined by their ability to attract/appeal to/keep a mate, while men/the masculine defined by their status.  

Ah, gender roles. How you perpetuate yourselves in the strangest ways...

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