more on porn wikileaks

I wrote earlier this week about my anger around this whole Porn WikiLeaks debacle. After reading a lot of articles in the news (most of them wrong, so I won't link to them) and MayMay's excellent post on Porn WikiLeaks, I revisited the site to see what had happened- had STI information been published yet or no.

What did I find?

This on one performer's page:

Shot her big mouth off to Porn Wiki Leaks with the usual e-legal threats on April 7, 2011. This caused the usual protocol to be followed - The performer not getting their information taken down and their wiki becoming more robust with all of the embarrassing things that they have done in their career. Folks, when you reason with Porn Wiki Leaks in a respectful manner, they will hear you out and that is your best chance (If any) of getting your wiki cleaned up of any personal information. But when you come at Porn Wiki Leaks with threats, it is all over for you and you will never have information removed especially when you hide behind your "lawyer's" skirt. Threatening Porn Wiki Leaks is like sitting in A-1 sauce and mooning an angry pitbull. You just don't do it unless you want to deal with the consequences.

I want to save this because this is a prime example of how sex workers are treated like second class citizens.

And I am more pissed off than ever now. Because you know what this guy has basically said? "Yeah, I abused you, so shut your pretty mouth and be a good girl and maybe it won't happen again". When people who have been outed by this site threaten legal action against Porn Wikileaks, their response is to dig for more "information" on that person and post that too. Notice how he says "if you reason with us in a respectful manner, that's your best chance for getting your page cleaned up"? Yep, that's blackmail.

I can't wait to see this guy get bitchslapped- and when he does, I hope it's good and hard in honor of the many "pornographic whores", "Hookers", and "gays" you've made unsafe with your racist, sexist, homophobic, sex negative tantrums.

For excellent information and advice on how to perform in porn while reducing these kinds of dangers (and they'll still exist, mind, so don't kid yourself) read Furrygirl's blog on the subject.

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