"One of the rare times Kitty touches a real penis" they've captioned this with. Not...exactly. |
"Kitty Stryker a.k.a. CalifornianKitty is a failed pornographic whore, cheap fat ass hooker, self-proclaimed feminist, worthless blogger, loud mouth, ass clown and a queer-loving fruitcake (sex klown, dear, and my blog's doing ok). In many ways she's like the female version of Mike South.
- Contact email:
- Phone
: 07842965772
Born in the United States but is currently living in the UK. Travels back and forth to turn tricks. At age 14 lost her virginity by means of toothbrush insertion while playing doctor with one of her female friends (actually, no- I lost my hymen earlier thanks to horseback riding- as for "losing my virginity" you can read about that here). Like most social rejects and fat ass, blogging no-lifers, Kitty spends all her time on the Internet maintaining numerous social networking and escorting profiles, posting boring articles, tweeting and reviewing sex toys. Kitty is extremely ashamed of her obese body. (um, what? not really, no. if I was ashamed you wouldn't have posted a photo of me naked and covered in custard, or in honey. read more about body politics here and here)
Extensively pimps herself out via countless hooking websites, UK based as well as American. Her prices are already low, but she's willing to negotiate (not that low, but then, I guess they don't know the market). Evidently, fat opinionated hookers are not in demand these days. (Amusingly, I'm getting paid to be opinionated and talk about being a sex worker- so, there's some demand after all)
Forum Activity/Twitter
In early April 2011 posted several articles where she expressed her misguided anger towards Porn Wiki Leaks. (not misguided- read about how Porn Wikileaks is fucked up, racist, misogynistic and slutshaming here and here) It was a clear attempt to freeload off PWL's popularity considering the fact that Kitty Stryker is not even in the porn industry. (hehehehe! well, we know that's not true, but let's give them something to work on...) These articles happen to be the most read items on her otherwise boring blog. (well, two are in the top 5, and there's one on child sexualization, and some sex toy reviews, but nevermind)
Popping Off
Shot her big mouth off about Porn Wiki Leaks in a feminist blog rant in April, 2011. This caused the usual protocol to be followed - The performer - In this case an absolute no one in the biz who didn't even have a wiki yet - got a nice wiki complete with all of the embarrassing things that they have done in their "career." (you can't embarrass someone who is shameless :)) Folks, when you interact with PWL in a respectful manner, they will hear you out and that is your best chance (If any) of getting your wiki cleaned up of any personal information or in this whore's case - you can avoid a wiki this way. But when you whine about PWL, and say their members need to be "Bitch slapped" - especially when they have done nothing to you - it is all over for you and you will never have information removed. Mouthing off about PWL is like sitting in A-1 sauce and mooning an angry pitbull. You just don’t do it unless you want to deal with the consequences. (are these the consequences? I only found out a wiki was made cause I was getting traffic from there! a bit of a backfire..?)"
Update: They even got my name wrong. HAHAHAHAHA!
Update 2: Ooooooh, is that the plot thickening..? It might just be...!
Update 3: Aww, they tried to up the ante by adding my education- too bad they don't have an accurate reflection of that either. Do your research, duckies!
Update 4 (and the last): Bored now. I've spent the week checking in here and there on the wiki and the forum, and the best they can come up with is: insult my schooling (because I don't say anything about where I did Uni anywhere, and their info is basically via my blog and at least 2, 3 year old info), getting my legal name wrong, calling me fat and queer (um, yes), and claiming they're going to out my family (um, good luck, as you'd have to get my name right first!) and friends. Well, my family knows, and my friends are laughing, so nice try! I'm amazed I'm not considered part of the Gay Mafia as I sleep with queer men. Pretty please?
I won't be bothering to look anymore as PWL seems pretty self-important and impotent. Oh well, it's been amusing!
"Have you ever been afraid to say or write something because you feel someone will trash you on his blog? Are you quick to respond to a complaint, without investigating, because the complainer is getting particularly loud on Twitter? The squeaky wheel gets the grease, for sure, but sometimes those wheels aren’t squeaking because they’re in need of something. Sometimes they’re squeaking because they want to see you squirm. Sometimes it’s more a power complex than a need to get something done....I think too many people are taking their online presence to mean they have some sort of power over the rest of the world. That they can use a sort of social media blackmail to get what they want and trash anyone they want. I also think the Internet, something that once encouraged free speech, is now discouraging the same. We’re so afraid of damaging our reputation or seeing bad things about us online, that we’re willing to give in to harassment and bullying. Brands are feeling especially vulnerable as they want to embrace bloggers, but don’t want to fall victim to bad publicity if they don’t launch the right kind of campaign or upset a particular group of people.
If someone threatens to write about you or say unpleasant things because you’re not going to do things his way, you have several recourses:
- Let it happen. You can do damage control later or not, but it might be more of relief to get it over with than to be at someone else’s mercy.
- Go tit for tat. Perhaps you have something on the other person too. But be forewarned, that sort of pettiness does more harm than good.
- Beat them to the punch. So you blogged something years ago and changed your mind and a competitor is threatening to throw it back in your face? Blog about it. Say “yeah I did this, but so what? That’s not how I am now and everyone who knows me, can see this for what it is.”
- Do it anyway. So you’re releasing a product a competitor or top blogger doesn’t like or approve of. So what? He’s not the only one. If it’s a good product and you have a positive campaign, it will speak for itself.
- Let it go. The negativity isn’t worth it."-Social Media Blackmail
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